Because we know everybody needs those moments of deep thinking and daydreaming about love and being loved, here you are. A list of fourteen original quotes to relate with and cry to, while you forget why you left your ex and, for a brief moment, consider getting back together with them. But please do not! Enjoy! (or get depressed...)
”I would let you break my heart, my whole spirit a thousand times, not because I would enjoy the numbing pain, but because it is a price worth paying for the illusion of happiness. Make me the Prometeus of our love, willingly I give away my spirit into forgetfulness, for you to gracefully lie to me again.”
”I am not looking for the perfect set of qualities, but the most lovable flaws...”
”...and the dreams... oh! The dreams... Poor things try to fill the void you deepened with your leave; they bring you to me every night. But they don’t know this fantasy is a sweet torment I’m most likely not going to survive.
Finally, I’m fine. But do not worry, you can still find me. As the chambers of my mind are latched with spider webs and silk warms. Ask me nicely, my love, and you can haunt them again.”
”Loving does not cost a thing, It is the willing to be loved that lefts you penniless.”
”We do not fall in love, we fall for love. We rush in, like fools, because we cannot help to wonder and be excited, because we cannot wait to see how love feels like. But it is never where you seek it. We fall in love with the idea of being in love, of being somebody to someone, but we forget to actually fall. We are drunk with the tought and hope of feeling love so much, that we can't see there is no love at all, but just a fragile, broken dream for which we are not willing to make the sacrifice of falling.”
”Love is tearing pieces of yourself to patch the holes in the other, but never allowing them to do the same for you”
”Love is blind, but it has the most beautiful eyes”
”I could never love somebody who doesn't dance. Dancing isn't just the movement of your body, but the courage of letting you muscles be led by an outer vibration, by something coming, for the first time, from outside your soul, but touching it, talking with it, like old friends.”
”And yet, what would it be like to think of love as an entity? Two beings brought together by a third, possessed by this love? What would it be like to imagine love as an ancient hellenic statue, of Aphrodite or Cupid, embracing the two, bonding them. What if we would see love as an ascending ivy, born from the ground crushed under the feet of the lovers and their tears of sweet grief, bruising two souls, mutilating them until there is only one left, dependent of both halves, a whole. Will it still bloom if we manage to see love as it is, a pure tragedy?”
”To end up hating love, you had to have loved it so much... Plato himself was so in love with it, the same Plato that invented platonic...”
”A thing that I love about him is that when he wants to look me in the eye, he does not lift my chin with his fingers, but bows, so that I can catch his eyes. He wants me to be the one who looks him in the eyes, so he gives himself to me.”
”I will not talk about love, as I would be, at best, naive to pretend to understand this both life giving and end bringing force”
”I do not plan to live this life for myself, as that would be meaningless. I want to live for someone else. I think I might know how to live another one's life, but mine I could never decipher. I would give the other person my life, make a switch. To pretend I am somewhere I am not, to think something I do not. Wether I will or won't meet this other person, I know I would die for them.”
"I love you, and I will love you until the day that love becomes hate itself. I am an Icarus. One day, as I'll be burnt down to ashes by the power of my own feelings, I will feel the true despair of loving somebody greater than myslef. I will feel, humbly, the pain of knowing I will never be bright enough, because I dared to fall in love with love itself. Because I dared to want to touch the sun with my wax wings"
Picture source: Pinterest via Daughter of thorns
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